Coronavirus (Covid-19)
I know you all have been bombarded with notices, news and emails about the COVID-19 situation. I am hoping, this cuts through the typical administrative emails you have been receiving.
We have actively been cleaning and disinfecting ALL surfaces from the parking lot all the way to our adjusting rooms. All door knobs, counter tops, tables, etc. We have always practiced wonderful hygiene practices but now we have doubled our efforts. Dr. Chad and Dr. Katie will be washing hands between EVERY patient and if unable, will be disinfecting hands with hand sanitizers.
All tables, chairs and surfaces will constantly be wiped down after EVERY use.
There is still much more YOU can do to protect yourselves during these times.
Your immune system is you #1 defense against all bacterial and viral infections. Fortunately, we have ultimate control over the state of our immune systems and our families. Here are some of the best practices that we follow even in our own homes.
- GET PLENTY OF SLEEP. Often minimized as a source of immune response but studies have shown that deep sleep improves the immune system directly. Lower your lights 1 hour before bedtime, minimized backlit screens and cuddle with your loved ones till you are lulled into a drowsy state. Do not fight it. Let your natural physiology take over and drift off into a deep slumber.
- HYDRATION. The #1 deficient nutrient in most Americans is WATER. Staying hydrated is critical for EVERY biochemical process in your body including your immune system. The only side effect to proper hydration is that you will “pee” a lot. Inconvenient, I know. But a small price to pay.
- GET ADJUSTED. Regular chiropractic adjustments have been proven to boost your immune system (1). This is accomplished by improving the state of the nervous system which in turn improves the immune system.
- EAT WELL. Be sure to eat a healthy diet. Avoid sugars if at all possible and do not overeat. Try to “graze”. In other words, eat smaller meals throughout the day instead of sitting and eating 3 meals and gorging. You all know what I’m talking about. This helps sustain a proper blood sugar level and prevents the moments of being “famished”. We all know what happens when “you’re so hungry you can eat a cow”.
- HEALTHY SOCIALIZATION. Although the government is encouraging “de-socialization”. I encourage you to reconnect with your nuclear family through conversation, family games and lots of hugs and cuddling. Family communication and physical touch have long been associated with decreased stress and improved overall health including the immune systems of the entire family.
The chiropractic industry is communicating together as well and as one of my colleagues said, “Let’s practice PRUDENCE but not PANIC”. Taking the above precautions is PRUDENT. Wearing full body suits and showering with PURELL would be PANIC.
Thank you all for the opportunity to serve you and your families.
Chad Updike, DC
Katie Canar, DC
Brooke Riddle
(1) Chiropractic & Osteopathy September 2010 “Interleukin 2-regulated in vitro antibody production following a single spinal manipulative treatment in normal subjects.” JA Teodorczyk-Injeyan, M McGregor, R Ruegg, HS Injeyan